Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Rumors Untrue That Cornell University Purchased Roosevelt Island Riverwalk Building 7 From Hudson Related - Cornell Not Interested In Buying Westview Either

Earlier this month, rumors circulated around Roosevelt Island that Cornell University had purchased Hudson Related's Southtown Riverwalk Building 7

 Image Of Riverwak Building 7 Rendering

currently under construction. For example, I was asked to find out if this rumor was true:
Just learned from a Southtown resident, who claims he closely follows real estate, that the new Building 7, currently being constructed, has been purchased 100% by Cornell.... This could be true or just a rumor.
I asked Hudson Related's David Kramer about the claim and he said it was absolutely untrue.

Another rumor at the same time was that Cornell was interested in buying


During July 27 meeting of the Roosevelt Island Cornell Construction and Community Task Force, member Ellen Polivy asked Cornell NYC Tech Director Of Capital Planning Andrew Winters and Assistant Director of Government and Community Relations Jane Swanson about these rumors.

Mr. Winters and Ms. Swanson replied that there was no truth to either of the rumors. Cornell NYC Tech will only have residences on campus said Ms. Swanson.

Here's the question and answer.

Will have more on Hudson Related's Buildings 7 -9 soon.