Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Roosevelt Island Moms On The Move Walking And Exercise Group Meeting Friday 11 AM At Tram Kiosk

Image Of Roosevelt Island Moms On The Move

Reported June 26 on the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network (RIPN) Roosevelt Island Moms On The Move (RI MoM) initiative. According to RIPN Coordinator Eva Bosbach:
...This is a walking group for moms with children in strollers. We are meeting to exercise and lose baby weight while having a nice chat and enjoying fresh air. In case you are up to more you can add a short after-walk exercise program...

... Please send me a short e-mail if you are interested in joining....

Image Of RI Moms On The Move Exercise Group

Ms. Bosbach adds:
The next RI Moms on the Move walk, exercise and picnic lunch will will START 11 am this Friday, JULY 11, at the Tram Kiosk.
Image Of RI Moms On The Move Exercise Group

More information available from Ms. Bosbach.