Monday, July 7, 2014

Herb Berman Former President Of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp and Long Time Brooklyn NYC Council Member Passed Away Sunday -Condolences To His Family, Friends And Colleagues

The NY Daily News reported yesterday:
Herbert Berman, a member of the City Council for more than a quarter century, who rose to become its Finance Committee chairman, died Sunday. He was 80.

Berman represented the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Canarsie and Mill Basin in the Council from his election in 1975 until leaving office 2001. He ran for City Controller when term limits prevented him from running for his seat again...
Newsday adds:
... He later headed the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation...
Mr. Berman was President of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) from August 2003 to April 2007.  The Main Street Wire interviewed Mr. Berman upon his appointment in 2003. According to the article:
... Roosevelt Island is loaded with landmarks and scenery. “I was surprised when I came here to find a place as beautiful as it is,” he said. He offered similar comments to the RIOC directors on August 7 – the night he was appointed on a unanimous vote – expressing admiration for the Island’s historical resources, natural beauty, and potential for tourism.

He was here for the Blackout a week ago Thursday, helping to direct RIOC’s response. It was a rude introduction to Island life, and he said this week that he’s still in the beginning stages of mastering the various issues that are in the mix here. He also admitted that he had yet to ride the Tram.

“I’m working up to it, gentlemen,” he said. “I have a pronounced fear of heights – open heights.”

Berman presents quite a contrast with his predecessor. He is buttoned down, carefully groomed, and quite scripted in his answers to most questions. He projects a feeling of vigor, good health, and decisiveness, and does not, at first glance, appear to be on the threshold of his 70s. He signaled his intention to work past a more typical retirement age by his run for comptroller two years ago, and he shows no sign of slowing down now....
Here's part 1 of a 2010 interview with Mr. Berman discussing his experience on the NYC Council

followed by Parts 2 and 3.

Condolences to Mr. Berman's family, friends and colleagues.