Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Traffic Safety Issues Raised For Pedestrians, Cars & Bikes At Roosevelt Island Bridge Helix Intersection - Better Street Lighting And Signage Needed Says Resident

Image From Frank Farance

Roosevelt Island resident Frank Farance is concerned about safety issues at the Roosevelt Island Bridge Helix intersection.

According to Mr. Farance:
Ongoing Safety Hazard at Roosevelt Island Helix Intersection: Lack of Street Lights, Crosswalk Lighting, Traffic Control

Image From Frank Farance

I've been documenting the problems around the helix intersection, right where the cyclist was killed recently. I myself was almost hit by a car who didn't seem to see me crossing the intersection.

It's really dark.

Image From Frank Farance

No street lights between PS 217 driveway and 10 River Road crosswalk (where the cyclist was killed).

Northbound cars don't have to stop, until a traffic light is installed, the intersection should be IMMEDIATELY configured as an All-Way stop (stop signs for northbound, southbound, and westbound traffic)

I've suggested for many years that a traffic light be installed, including walk/don't-walk signs.

Motorgate lighting is out in the arcade across from Manhattan Park, which contributes to the darkness of the street scene.

Image From Frank Farance

Watch this video which shows how dark it is. At 0:30 and 1:02, you'll see people crossing the street, they are hard to see. Yes, this is what it actually looks like in the intersection.

I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato about the Helix safety issues raised by Mr. Farance. Ms. Indelicato replied:
We are working with Con Ed to fix the problem. We have been trying to address it with some temporary lighting.
Another Roosevelt Island lighting issue was recently reported to RI 311 See Click Fix:
Why is RIOC keeping us in the dark????

Literally!!! After 4/4:30pm it's dark this time of year! Why are SO MANY lights out around the island? Blackwell playground has one light on in the corner, and several others around that don't work. Al Lewis playground is in the dark. A huge stretch of lights between Lighthouse Park/Coker and the Octagon are out. Lights along the road next to the fire station are out. Surely this is a LIABILITY ISSUE??? With winter coming ...
More information on the October 8 nighttime bicycle collision with Roosevelt Island Red Bus at the Helix intersection which led to the death of cyclist Anna Maria Mostrom at this previous post.