Roosevelt Island Main Street Construction Disruptions About To Start - Con Ed Installing High Pressure Gas Line And 3 WIRE Buildings Doing Extensive Facade Work At Same Time Starting In June Says RIOC
Con Ed will soon be removing Roosevelt Island's aging gas lines beneath Main Street and replacing them with High Pressure Gas Lines. The work is scheduled to begin June 1. At the same time, Roosevelt Landings, Island House and Westview are scheduled to begin building facade work.
According to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato:
Con Edison, along with Urban American, RY Management and Cornell Tech, have already begun working with us to coordinate the upcoming work along Main Street that will involve the installation of high pressure gas lines and extensive facade work for three of the WIRE buildings. A community Town Hall meeting is being planned for early May and will include all stakeholders who will address the timelines of the scheduled work , benefits of the projects to be undertaken and most importantly the safety issues.Ms Indelicato expects there to be a great deal of disruptions on Main Street during this time.
Residents will be given the opportunity to ask questions.
She spoke about the upcoming High Pressure Gas Line installation and building facade work during the April 16 RIOC Board of Directors meeting.
A spokesperson for Cornell Tech added:
This is vital infrastructure for the campus and the island, and like with all construction impacting our campus we are working closely with RIOC, Con Ed and the community to limit disruption.Ms Indelicato and RIOC Engineering Director Jim Mortimer briefed the RIOC Operations Advisory Committee in greater detail during an April 15 meeting (audio web cast here). Mr. Mortimer noted that the work on the gas pipeline will be done on the West side of the street only and that parking spaces will be removed in those areas during that period.
Here's the discussion.
More background on the Con Ed Roosevelt Island High Pressure Gas Line issue from this April 2012 post.