Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Brownies Spruce Up And Rejuvenate Roosevelt Island Trees With Help From Trees NY, NYC Department Of Parks And RIOC
Last Thursday, April 16, Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Brownie Troops 3001 & 3244
worked together with Trees New York and the NYC Department of Parks' Civic Corp to spruce up
and rejuvenate Roosevelt Island Main Street Trees across from the Motorgate Garage, Gristedes and the Post Office.
According to this Press Release from Trees New York
Street Tree Stewardship with TreesNY and the Roosevelt Island Girl ScoutsMs. Blaylock shows the Roosevelt Island Brownie Girl Scouts how to keep trees healthy.
A beautification and tree stewardship project will take place on Roosevelt Island, on Thursday, April 16th, to rejuvenate an entire city block of trees across from Gristedes and the U.S. Post Office. All thanks to Trees New York and NYC Department of Parks’ Civic Corps team, who will pair up with both Girl Scout troops on Roosevelt Island. Eleven lucky trees will get some serious sprucing up. As the ground they stand in, their tree pits, are cleaned, soil loosened, mulch laid and flowers planted. RIOC has removed the metal grates that confined them and set them free. Maintaining tree pits and loosening their soil helps capture stormwater run-off while giving trees a much needed drink, a real win-win.
“The grates have been an issue for us due to the tree roots pushing the grates upwards. The mulch beds will be a healthier option for the trees and will look amazing once it is complete.”
Erica Spencer-EL, Community Relations Specialist,Roosevelt Island Operating Corp.
“This is a wonderful way that our girls can work together to improve our community and learn how to care for our city trees. Thanks to TreesNY for taking on this event.”
Janine Schaefer & Aiesha Eleusizov, Troop Leaders Girl Scouts Roosevelt Island troops 3001 & 3244
"Trees New York is always happy to connect communities with their local trees. Trees give us so much, but they also need our help to survive within the urban environment and all they have to put up with from us! A little awareness and care makes so much difference. Since 1976, TreesNY has trained over 11,500 adults and 6,000 youth in tree care and stewardship, tree planting and urban forestry management. Become a Citizen Pruner today!"
Cheryl Blaylock, Director of Youth Programs, Trees New York
The Roosevelt Island Brownie Girl Scouts tell us what they are doing to spruce up the trees.
Ms. Blaylock and Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Community Relations Specialist Erica Spenser- El describe what is being done.
Good job by the Girl Scout Brownies, Trees NY, RIOC
NYC Department Of Parks and Christina Delfico
shown above admiring a worm found in the tree soil by one of the Girl Scout Brownies.