Friday, April 1, 2016

Roosevelt Island Seniors Association Membership Drive Begins Today For Residents 50 Years Of Age And Older - Perks Include Special Events, Parties, Programs, Discounts At Riverwalk Bar, Island Wine, Broadway Shows & More

The Roosevelt Island Seniors Association (RISA) report the start of their annual membership drive starting April 1 for residents 50 years of age and older.

Among the perks of RISA membership are:
More information on RISA available by calling the phone #'s above or at this email address.

Roosevelt Island Seniors Center Director Rema Townsend described some of the activities and programs available to RISA members at the Senior Center during this October 14, 2015 presentation to the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Pubic Purpose Funds (PPF) Committee seeking funds for their exercise programs.

The RIRA PPF Committee recommended a grant of $15 thousand to the Roosevelt Island Senior Center.