Tuesday, March 25, 2025

You Can Petition City Hall, NYC DOE And Win, Roosevelt Island Parents Obtain 15 Additional Early Childhood 3K Seats For Roosevelt Island Day Nursery - What's Next?

Last January, a group of Roosevelt Island parents began organizing and lobbying to increase the number of early childhood 3 K seats allocated to Roosevelt Island. Roosevelt Island parents Sunny & Tanya Singh explained the importance of increasing the number of Pre K seats located on Roosevelt Island. According to the Singh's:

We moved to Roosevelt Island in 2022 in hopes to settle in this beautiful lush green neighborhood and raise our future child here. While researching the best places in New York City to start a family, we strongly leaned towards Roosevelt Island with the abundance of child friendly spaces, activities, playgrounds, a large school, and daycare centers that we saw during our walks.

Unbeknownst to us, 3k facilities on the island could not accommodate more than 30 children in total. There are at least one hundred local little Roosevelt Islanders that need access to the 3k program. Yet, we are being forced to commute with the most vulnerable little toddlers miles away to find appropriate schooling options elsewhere. I wish we had known about the 3k seats shortage prior to settling on the island and becoming permanent residents here.

Most of the children in each age group know each other and it would be great to let our children play together and stay in the safe environment in their own neighborhood instead of dragging them to separate inaccessible 3k facilities off of the island....

Image Of Roosevelt Island 3K Parents And Students Leaving RIDN

Last February 5, I sent the following inquiry to the NYC Department of Education (DOE): 

According to Roosevelt Island parents and the Roosevelt Island Day Nursery (RIDN), there are dozens, if not more, of Roosevelt Island parents seeking 3 K program seats for their children located on Roosevelt Island and have been put on a waiting list.  I'm told approximately 100 children are on waiting list to attend a 3K program on Roosevelt Island. 

RIDN has been allocated one 3K class of 15 students and three classes for Pre K of 16 seats each. RIDN has requested that one of the Pre K seats be switched to a 3K seat so that there are 2 classes each of 3K and Pre K. Also, I understand that PS/IS 217 on Roosevelt Island is also allocated three Pre K classes and one 3K...

... Is it possible to switch one of the RIDN Pre K classes to 3 K in order to accomodate more Roosevelt Island children in the 3K program?...

A DOE spokesperson replied:

... Seat allocations for 3-K and Pre-K programs are determined based on multiple factors, including utilization trends, demand, and funding. We continue to assess capacity needs and look forward to exploring opportunities to engage with the community on updated needs....

I asked the DOE today:

I’m following up on the request by Roosevelt Island parents for an additional 3K class.

I’m told that the DOE has agreed to an additional 3 k class being allocated to the Roosevelt Island Day Nursery for the upcoming year.

Is that true?

Any statement from DOE on the matter?

DOE Associate Press Secretary Dominique Ellison answered:

We can confirm the additional 3K class allocation to the Roosevelt Island Day Nursery for the upcoming school year (SY25-26). This cost-neutral swap will adjust the current seat allocation from 15 3K seats and 48 pre-K seats to a balanced offering of 30 3K and 30 pre-K seats. Our primary concern is continuing high-quality education services, and this seat swap provides a consistent and uninterrupted learning environment for Roosevelt Island families.

Roosevelt Island parents described their efforts to bring more 3K and Pre K seats to Roosevelt Island during the March 3 Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Committee meeting.

Great job by these parents demonstrating that people can organize, petition and improve our Roosevelt Island community.

What's next?

UPDATE 9:40 PM - Maybe not a win for everybody. Another Roosevelt Island parent raises this concern:

As a parent of a 2 year old, this is great news but unfortunately the island has lost an entire PreK class. So this is still a bit worrisome for families on the island who may now need to go off island for PreK and a new building opening - it’s too bad that the 3K could not have just been additional and not a swap.

Monday, March 24, 2025

You're Invited To Attend NYC Open Data Workshops At Cornell Tech Wednesday March 26 - Learn The Fundamentals Of Using NYC Open Data To Help Improve Delivery Of City Services

As part of Open Data Week 2025Cornell Tech is hosting 2 workshops Wednesday March 26 on the subject. You're invited to attend the workshops to learn the fundamentals of using NYC Open Data. 

According to the NYC Open Data website:
Did you know there is free data about nearly every aspect of our city? Come learn how to use it with the NYC Open Data Ambassadors! Join us for an in-person workshop hosted at Cornell Tech where you’ll learn the fundamentals of using NYC Open Data. This event is part of an Open Data Week series hosted by Cornell Tech— learn more below.

You will gain an understanding of:

  • What NYC Open Data is!
  • How to find specific datasets
  • How to filter a dataset
  • How to visualize data in charts and graphs
  • Tools and Applications of Open Data
  • How to stay involved

Who should attend?

  • Anyone! No experience is necessary.
  • Roosevelt Island Community Members
  • Educators & Students
  • Librarians & Non-Profit Professionals
  • Local Organizers & Decision-Makers
  • City Planners and Mappers

The session will be taught by Hebah Emara, a member of NYC’s Open Data Ambassadors, a program that trains volunteers to share Open Data with their fellow New Yorkers. Joining us as a special guest and co-presenter will be NYC’s Chief Analytics Officer, Martha Norrick. The Ambassadors program is a collaboration between NYC Open Data and BetaNYC. To learn more, visit nyc.gov/discoveropendata.

This event is part of an Open Data Week series hosted by Cornell Tech on Wednesday, March 26 from 5-8pm. We’d love for you to join us for both sessions— though it is not required! We’ll kick off at 5:00 pm with a hands-on Discovering NYC Open Data class from the Open Data Ambassadors, where you’ll learn the fundamentals of NYC Open Data. Following that, at 6:30 pm, Cornell Tech researchers and experts will discuss their real-world applications of open data, during Open Data in Action: Driving Academic Research and Government Collaboration at Cornell Tech. Join us for a post-event happy hour next door at Anything at All!

Sign up here to attend.

Here's an intro to NYC Open Data

from BetaNYC.