Check Out Roosevelt Island Soup Lady Margot Reiss Every Saturday At Farmers Market - Watch How Soup Is Made At Queens EDC Entrepreneur Space Kitchen Business Incubator
Roosevelt Island resident Margot Reiss is the Kitchen 36 Homemade Soup Lady at the Roosevelt Island Saturday Farmers Market. Ms. Reiss sells her soups rain or shine in good weather and bad.
According to Ms. Reiss:
All of our soups are made from scratch using local and seasonal ingredients, fresh herbs, fresh meat (never frozen), dried beans (never canned), non-GMO products where available, such as non-GMO canola oil, and our dairy comes from family farms.
At Kitchen 36 our soups are slow-simmered in small batches to bring out the flavor of the ingredients. We do NOT use soup starters, preservatives, additives, or any artificial ingredients. Our soups are also LOW in salt and fat, but big on flavor. There is NO SUGAR in any soup except for our Black Bean and Curried carrot, which contains a drop of raw cane sugar. Each batch we make takes about eight hours from start to finish. All of our soups are packaged immediately after cooling and frozen to preserve their freshness.
We offer a variety of Beef, Chicken, Vegetarian, and Vegan choices. The soups vary sometimes due to availability of seasonal ingredients. Please check our "News" page for updates on what we're serving up each week. Soups are sold frozen in 16 oz or 32 oz containers. Soups can also be purchased at the Roosevelt Island Farmer's Market. If you have any questions, please e-mail us at
Check out the menu and prices here.
Ms Reiss makes her soup at the Queens Economic Development Corporation Entrepreneur Space Kitchen business incubator close by in Long Island City.
Recently, Roosevelt Island resident Frank Farance visited Ms. Reiss who shows us her operation
This is Margot's operation, she makes wonderful soups!
Also, a time lapse video of the 6 hour soup preparation in 90 seconds from Mr. Farance.
Mr. Farance has more pictures of Margot Reiss and the Kitchen 36 soup preparation at the Kitchen Incubator here.
Ms Reiss hopes to start an online ordering system soon too.
Stop by the Farmers Market on Saturday, say hi to Margo and try out the soup. Check out the Kitchen 36 web site for more information.