Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Meet David Lawson, Candidate For Vice President Of Roosevelt Island Residents Association Common Council

As reported yesterday, the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council is seeking candidates to run for election as President, Vice President and to represent the various building complexes.

Roosevelt Island resident David Lawson

is a candidate for RIRA Vice President and submitted the following statement to the community.
My name is David LAWSON. A father of two, I am a Westview resident and have been living on Roosevelt Island since 1998. I have worked 20 years at the United Nations on political, social and economic affairs, defending human rights, women’ and girls’ rights and minority rights. I have presided over a UN civil servant organization and worked with various international and US organizations and associations for civil rights.

I was elected a RIRA Common Council member for the first time in 2014 and re-elected in 2016. RIRA Planning Committee Chair since 2015, I have spearheaded work and significant progress on critical issues for the community, including transportation (ferry, bike use and infrastructure improvement, F-train service improvement, electric vehicles), environment protection (air quality control during Cornell construction, drinking water quality, South Point Park wildlife protection), reflections on the long-term impact of Cornell Tech and growing population dynamics on the island and its infrastructure, and I have established and entertain a constructive dialogue with RIOC President on those issues.

I run again this year because I strongly believe in the power of community and associative work for public interest. RIRA is an essential forum of dialogue for the Roosevelt Island residents with RIOC and allows for the voice of the Roosevelt islanders to be heard. I run for Vice President because, building on my experience with the Common Council governance and as Committee Chair, I want to help foster and promote further the work and outreach of the Council for the greater benefit of Roosevelt Islanders. With the newly elected RIRA President and Common Council members, I hope to contribute to more Roosevelt islanders participating to RIRA work and associate other RI institutions to its proposals, as well as enhanced visibility of its achievements.

If elected, as Vice-President, I will support the President and Council, enhanced RIRA communications with the community, sustained membership participation, widened participation in RIRA, fundraising, and I will work closely with relevant Committee chairs for enhanced coordination and effectiveness. I will continue to contribute to RIRA Common council debates, supporting enhanced communication with Roosevelt islanders, and support the on-going work of RIRA on environment protection, transportation, infrastructure, well-being and equitable treatment of our residents of all conditions and all ages, the future development of our Island and protection of our wonderful RI community.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns you would like to share or discuss, please reach out to me at lawsondd@aol.com.

Against this background, I hope you will entrust me with your confidence and your vote on November 6th. I encourage you to go out and vote and to participate in RIRA Committees as these are open to all Roosevelt islanders! I thank you.

David LAWSON, RIRA Common Council Member and Planning Committee Chair
Will publish statement from other RIRA candidates as submitted.

If you wish to run for any RIRA Common Council seat, more info on nominating process here.

The RIRA election is Tuesday, November 6.

UPDATE 10/31 - Frank Farance is also running for RIRA Vice President.