Report From RIOC President Susan Rosenthal - NY State $25 Million Cornell Tech Payment Not Received Yet, Roosevelt Island Youth Center Update, Halloween Parade Theme Rock Icons, Veterans Celebration & More
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Susan Rosenthal reported to the October 18 RIOC Board of Directors meeting on the following subjects.
Various construction projects under way
NY State $25 million payment for Cornell Tech has not been received yet but will be coming soon.
Roosevelt Island Youth Center update. Steady number of 40-50 kids using the facility daily. 220 kids have registered for Soccer program. Volunteer coaches needed. Basketball program to come. Robotics and coding program from Cornell Tech being planned.
Upcoming events.
October 27 Roosevelt island Halloween Parade theme is Rock icons yesterday and today.
November 10 Veterans Celebration. RIOC leased space at 544 Main Street for a Veterans Center.
Holiday decorations. Ms Rosenthatl said:
... We heard what you liked and did not like last year. We've made improvements. Tell us what you think after they go up....Improving ways of communications between RIOC and the Roosevelt Island community.
Ms. Rosenthal added:
... My door is always open. That's true for anyone on the Island....Below is Ms Rosenthal's full RIOC President's Report.
The full Agenda and supporting Board material package for meeting is here.
RIOC Director David Kraut noted at the end of the Ms Rosenthal's report:
... The island is in better shape than its ever been and it's getting better, step by step, capital project by capital project.
Our main job is to sweep the streets, shovel the snow, cut the grass, take out the trash. We're doing very well....