Monday, January 27, 2020

RIOC Responds To Roosevelt Island Transportation Outreach With Courtesy Signage Encouraging Giving Up Seats For Elderly/Disabled/Pregnant Woman And Will Start Routine PSD Patrols On Red Bus - Watch Video Of Full RI Transportation Issues Discussion

According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC)

On Thursday, January 9th, RIOC’s Chief Operating Officer Shelton Haynes, along with the Transportation Department’s Cy Opperman and Joe Marino heard from the community as part of our new outreach initiative: Re-Introducing RIOC.

A number of attendees at the event at the Roosevelt Island Senior Center voiced concerns about courtesy on our transportation network, particularly about our Red Bus service. RIOC encourages everyone to be considerate of their fellow passengers because a little kindness goes a long way. Although we still have some work to do in other areas, we are happy to report that we were able to quickly address two of your chief concerns immediately.


As a result of the community’s request, PSD has already started routine patrols on the Red Buses throughout the day. These patrols will be conducted seven days a week during the Red Bus hours of operation.


RIOC’s new COURTESY COUNTS signs will be posted on each bus within the next two weeks.

These signs feature images that clearly demonstrate which seats on the bus are reserved for those who are pregnant, the elderly and the disabled.

It is our hope that these signs and the increased PSD presence on the buses, will encourage our customers to consider the safety and comfort of all of their fellow passengers. Because a little bit of consideration for your neighbor goes a long way. If you see an incident happen on a bus, please alert the driver or contact PSD immediately at 212-832-4545.
Image From RIOC

Issues discussed during the January 9 Roosevelt Island Transportation meeting at Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center included:

  • Baby strollers causing unsafe conditions on the Red Bus,
  • Extending seating courtesy to Senior Citizens, disabled and Pregnant woman,
  • Need for periodic Public Safety Officer on Red Bus to enforce rules,
  • Additional Red Bus Stops,
  • More Shoppers Buses to take Seniors off the Island,
  • Blind spots for Next Bus GPS service,
  • Have Tram Operators announce that able body adults and children who ride for free should relinquish their seats for elderly and disabled,
  • What is Red Bus service Schedule,
  • MTA Proposed New Bus Schedule replacing Q102 bus with new route that eliminates NYC Bus service north of Roosevelt Island Bridge and south of Tram
  • Giving Roosevelt Island residents preference on Tram will not be done (RIOC says it is discriminatory),
  • Need to recruit more Red Bus drivers and
  • How to compliment Red Bus Drivers who are doing a good job. (Send email to RIOC with time and Bus #)
Here's video of the full meeting discussion

and the Roosevelt Island Red Bus Schedule.
Red Bus Schedule

Regular & Weekend Service (Non-Rush Hour)

The Red Bus makes all local stops every 15 minutes from 5:30 AM - 2:30 AM every day, except Friday and Saturday, when service is extended to 3:30 AM.
Rush Hour Service

Morning Rush Hours (Monday through Friday): 7 AM - 10 AM, the Red Bus makes all local stops every eight (8) minutes.
Evening Rush Hours (Monday through Friday): 3 PM - 8 PM, the Red Bus makes all local stops every eight (8) minutes.
Octagon Express Service

The Octagon Express Bus operates Weekdays from 7 AM - 10 AM and makes stops every 20 minutes at The Octagon, Subway Station East, Tramway Plaza East, Tramway Plaza West, and Subway Station West bus stops only.