Monday, October 8, 2007

RIRA Meeting Wednesday 10/10/07 on Nominees for RIOC Board

Roosevelt Island Resident's Association will hold a meeting on Wednesday, October 10 at 8 PM in the lower community room of Westview (625 Main Street) to discuss the upcoming election/plebiscite that will choose the residents nominees for appointment to the RIOC Board of Directors. All are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Here is information on RIOC Board Nomination and balloting process from the Main Street Wire.
Editorial from the Main Street Wire:

RIRA is gearing up for a first-ever vote to choose the community's nominees for the Board of Directors of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation. (You've read about this in these pages before, and you can be sure we'll be coming back to the subject.) In immediate prospect is a community-wide meeting Wednesday night (October 10) at 8:00 in the lower community room at Westview (625 Main Street). There, people who have been working on self-governance for Roosevelt Island for a decade-plus will describe, briefly, this process in which our votes will choose residents whose names will be put before the Governor with the morally compelling request that he appoint them to the RIOC Board.

Why is that important?

The RIOC Board is like our City Council here in this neatly defined river town where the State calls the shots and the Board sets policies and approves plans. Running for and serving on that Board is a chance for real impact. If you've ever contemplated government service or elective office, this is your crack at it, in a situation where the decisions you help make will have the potential for direct influence on your life and on the lives of your fellow residents - our safety, our recreational opportunities, our transit needs, our quality of life... our very future in this terrific community.

Wednesday night at 8:00 is a chance to learn more about putting your name on the February 5 ballot, or to find out how you can help the community take this important step. Come out of curiosity, out of concern, or out of determination to make things better... But come.