Where Would you Rather Live - Hoboken or the Octagon Building on Roosevelt Island?
Last Sunday afternoon I was sitting at the Roosevelt Island Starbucks outdoor patio when I struck up a conversation with two people sitting at the adjoining table. I introduced myself as a writer of a Roosevelt Island blog and asked them if they lived on the Island. Their immediate reply was that I probably do not want to hear what they had to say about Roosevelt Island.
I assured them that I would be interested in whatever they had to say about living on Roosevelt Island because that was the whole purpose of Roosevelt Islander. They told me that they did not like Roosevelt Island and were looking to move as quickly as they could, even considering Hoboken, New Jersey. They explained that they lived in the Octagon building and could not stand the distance, time and effort involved in going back and forth to Manhattan. They spoke of the difficulties with the Red Bus transportation system but most of all were disappointed by the sense of isolation and disconnectedness from the City (Manhattan). They also said that the Octagon leasing office did not accurately portray the commuting difficulties or time involved to and from Manhattan. Many Octagon residents that they knew felt the same way.
I told them that I understood their feelings and felt much the same way when I lived in Manhattan Park but since moving to the Riverwalk buildings in Southtown my view of living on Roosevelt Island has changed completely. I suggested that they contact the Riverwalk leasing office before making the drastic step of moving to Hoboken.
The moral of this story is that if living within 15-20 minute walk of a movie theater, bookstore, museum, good restaurant, bar, nightlife and the buzz of the city is very important to you then perhaps the Octagon and Manhattan Park are not the right place for you to live, but Riverwalk may be. If the benefits of tranquility and recreational activities described above are more important and/or you have small children, then Manhattan Park and Octagon would be great places to live.
Octagon image is from Urban Daily Baby.
Hoboken image is from Wooden Signs.