Public Safety Officer Nabs Motorgate Parking Garage Vandal Suspect
There has been a string of recent acts of vandalism incidents at the Motorgate Parking Garage including broken car windows that may have just been solved by the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department. Just received this message from RIOC President Steve Shane:
The rash of broken windows in cars at Motorgate should be muchI agree. Good Job!
reduced. Public Safety has done a fine job. The individuals are to be
Here is description of the collar by Public Safety director Keith Guerra. (I have not included the name of the apprehended suspect because that is all that this person is at this time, a suspect):
As you know, there have been some incidents involving vehicle damage at
the Motorgate. I directed our Public Safety Officers to pay special
attention to this with more patrols by uniformed and plain clothes
On March 13, 2008 at approximately 8:20 PM, Lt. Yee was patroling the
Motorgate Parking Garage, when he noticed a vehicle on the lower level
had been broken into. He immediately transmitted the information over
the Public Safety Radio. Officers Donet and Hernandez responded and
immediately saw a man in close proximity with a back-pack. The man was
approched and he set the bag, which was opened, down on bench. He
stated the bag and it's contents were his, however, the owner of the
vehicle was now at his vehicle. Lt. Yee brought the owner over and he
identified and claimed ownership of the bag and several of it's
(Name and address witheld) arrested and charged with Criminal Possession of Stolen Property.
Subsequent to his arrest, it was later confirmed that he was also wanted
on an NYPD Warrant for another crime he committed on June of 2006.
Our Public Safety Officers, with the assistance of P.O. Fernandez of
the 114 Pct. were diligent in their response and investigation of this