Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Roosevelt Island Organizations - Are You Seeking Funding?

NYC Council Member Jessica Lappin forwards the following Budget Request Form for fiscal year 2009 to any Roosevelt Island organization seeking funding. Keep in mind that the deadline for applying for these funds is April1, 2008. The following Roosevelt Island organizations have previously received funds through Council Member Lappin's office:
  • RI Historical Society,
  • RI Day Nursery,
  • RI Disabled Association,
  • RIRA, RI Youth Center,
  • RI Senior Center,
  • RI PTA,
  • PS/IS 217 and the
  • Main Street Theater.

Manhattan – District 5 Fiscal Year 2009

Organization Requesting Funding: _______________________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Zip: __________________

Organization Head: __________________________________ Budget Contact Person: __________________________________

Title: _____________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________

Fax: ______________________________________________ Fax: _________________________________________________

Email: ____________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________________

EXPENSE Budget Request: $___________________________ CAPITAL Budget Request: $____________________________________

Cost of Total Program: $ _____________________________ FEIN# ___________________________________________________

Is the organization a 501C-3? YES NO If NO, please list conduit ___________________________________

Purpose of Funds Requested: ____________________________________________________________________________________




Description of Organization: ____________________________________________________________________________________




If your organization received funding from the City Council in FY 2007, please describe funding received, purposes, and any outcomes or results:





Please return by April 1, 2008 to Council Member Jessica S. Lappin
c/o Caroline Mello
250 Broadway, Suite 1804
New York, NY 10007
Fax (212) 442-5503