Friday, April 11, 2008

Return of Regular F Train Service for Roosevelt Island But Sunday Tram Shutdown For Rescue And Evacuation Drills

MTA is reporting that there will be regular Roosevelt Island F Train service in both directions this weekend. Unfortunately, there is a Tram advisory for Sunday morning through early afternoon. From RIOC:
On Sunday, April 13th, 2008. The Tramway will be shutdown from 6AM to 2 PM.
This schedule is necessary in order to perform cabin rescue and evacuation drills..
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this change.
No complaint here. We do not want a repeat of the April 18-19, 2006 fiasco when Roosevelt Island tram passengers were stuck overnight dangling over the East River depicted here in NY Times video. Below is NY 1 video recap of incident and follow up safety tests.

Video from Truveo
And a link to New York City Council Hearing on the "Tramway Incident".