Tuesday, April 1, 2008

World Trade Center Memorial Slowly Going Forward But Let's Not Forget the Tribute In Light!

Image from NY Times (Rendering: Squared Design Lab)

The March 27 NY Times City Room reported:
A $103.9 million concrete contract, the largest single construction contract for the National September 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center, was awarded Thursday to a company in Long Island City, Queens, that has not yet performed work at ground zero.
... steel erection for the $530 million memorial is scheduled to begin this summer.
Gothamist reminds us that:
The WTC memorial, officially known as the National September 11 Memorial, was originally scheduled to open next year but is delayed until 2011 (construction began in 2006 but the memorial has been plagued with design changes, controversy and questions).
I have always thought that the Tribute in Light is the most moving and appropriate memorial for remembering the events of 9/11/01 and should be the permanent World Trade Center memorial. A poll question on this topic is posted on the right side of the page. The question is "Should the Tribute in Light be made a permanent fixture to the New York City Skyline"?

Here is a You Tube video of Assembling the Tribute In Light.