Friday, July 25, 2008

Jib Jab's Time For Some Campaignin' - Goodbye To Bush, Cheney and the Clintons, Let the Obama McCain Campaign Begin!

You Tube video of Jib Jab's Time for Some Campaignin'

Before the serious business of the 2008 Presidential campaign between Barack Obama and John McCain begins, take a moment to laugh at this Jib Jab parody of each candidate. It's also time to remove the Hillary Clinton link from the 2008 Presidential Election sidebar.

Remember, Yes We Can!

UPDATE - 5:35 PM - Blogger, Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn, shares a message received by a friend who attended the Obama rally in Berlin with her daughters and wonders what they would remember of the day:
... Of course, it all depends on what happens. If Obama wins and fulfills even half the promise we expect—if he wins and ends this dark time in American politics, if he wins and does something, anything about the environment or the war, if one can come to Berlin, as we often do, and stop being embarrassed to be living in a country run by buffoons, if, in fact, they’ll be able to look back and say that they were in Berlin at the Siegesaule and that they had a good feeling, some kind of sense that things might, finally, change for the better.
Here's the video and text of Obama's Berlin speech.