Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack Obama - We Have A Lot of Work To Do - So Go Do It and Get Out The Vote

You Tube Video of Barack Obama - We have a lot of work to do

I have never been more proud to cast a ballot for the President of the United States as I was this morning when I voted for Senator Barack Obama. Neither have I seen so many others joyfully doing the same.

But it is not over yet. There is no guarantee of victory. Do not believe Obama has already won and become complacent because of the polling data. Imagine how you will feel if tomorrow morning, or as after Gore was judged to have lost the 2000 election, sometime in December you discover that Obama lost by a very tiny margin. Now let that chilling moment pass.

Take some action. If you have not yet voted do so. Do not be discouraged by long lines. If you know someone in your family, a friend, neighbor or acquaintance here in NYC or anywhere in the United States who may not yet have voted, talk to them, give them a phone call or email message and respectfully encourage them to vote for Senator Obama.

For the last time during the 2008 Presidential Election - YES WE CAN!