Presidential Election Results From Roosevelt Island - Increased Voter Turnout But Where Did They Come From?
There was a significant increase in the number of Roosevelt Island voters who participated in the 2008 Presidential election as compared to 2004. This year 2,873 Roosevelt Islanders voted, 2418 for President- Elect (that sounds good) Barack Obama, 424 for Senator John McCain and 31 for others. Don't know if that number includes absentee and provisional ballots.
In the 2004 Presidential election, 2373 Roosevelt Islanders voted, Kerry received 1973 votes, Bush 380 and Nader 20.
So that means 500 more Roosevelt Islanders voted in the 2008 Presidential Election than 2004. Did the additional voters come from the new residents at Southtown and Octagon or increased turnout from the other buildings? Probably some combination of the two. We do know from the Main Street WIRE's building by building election compilation that approximately 70 Southtown and 120 Octagon residents cast ballots for the RIRA elections. Presuming that these residents also voted in the Presidential election than at least 190 of the additional 500 votes came from the new buildings.
The 2008 Roosevelt Island general election results below are from the Main Street WIRE.
President & VP |
Obama-Biden | 2418 |
McCain-Palin | 424 |
Calero-Kennedy | 3 |
La Riva-Puryear | 2 |
McKinney-Clemente | 6 |
Nader-Gonzalez | 13 |
Barr-Root | 7 |
Representative |
Maloney | 2042 |
Heim | 278 |
Matos | 30 |
State Senator |
Serrano | 1895 |
Weiner | 107 |
Member of Assembly |
Kellner | 1909 |
Viest | 277 |
Congratulations to President- Elect Obama, Vice- President Elect Biden, Congress women Maloney, State Senator Serrano and Assembly Member Kellner on your victories.