Deadline for Roosevelt Island Groups to Apply for Public Purpose Funds is January 30, 2009 - Get Those Applications Done!
RIOC's Community Relations Specialist Erica Wilder sends the following message to Roosevelt Island organizations regarding the allocation of Public Purpose Funds.
To all Non-Profit Organizations and Groups on Roosevelt Island:UPDATE - 1/13: Ms. Wilder provides some more information on Roosevelt Island Public Purpose Funds:
Please be advised that the next deadline to apply for Public Purpose Funding for the 2009 fiscal year is fast approaching. If you are interested in applying for additional seed money for your current program, please note that the deadline to apply for the Public Purpose Grant will be Friday, January 30th 2009 at 5:00 PM. To obtain a copy of the application, please visit
The application can be downloaded or completed online. Please submit completed application and necessary attachments to the RIOC office located 591 Main Street. If you are an island based program or organization and do not have non-profit status and wish to apply for funding, please contact me at your earliest convenience.
Any questions or concerns regarding completing the application can be directed to me by email or by calling 212-832-4540 EXT# 349.
Best of luck!
To answer your question regarding RIRA's involvement:
After I vet the applications for completeness, I then pass completed applications to RIRA's Public Purpose Grant Committee. The committee meets several times to discuss each applicant and raise questions pertaining to their involvement, efforts, needs in the community. Based on discussions pertaining to applicants overall application, budget and amount requested, the committee then votes on which applicants should receive funding that would help with needed expenses.