Legend of Roosevelt Island - Improv Everywhere's MP3 Experiment, We Are All One
The folks at Improv Everywhere have posted a complete recap of their zany Roosevelt Island MP3 Experiment with over 2000 red, green, blue and yellow t-shirt wearing participants flocking to Roosevelt Island last May 23 to participate in the adventure.
...This year’s location was Roosevelt Island. It’s a really beautiful place, situated in between Manhattan and Queens on the East River. There are about 12,000 residents on the island. To participate in this year’s experiment, agents were given these instructions. Everyone synchronized their watch to the clock on the instruction page, downloaded the mp3, wore a red, blue, yellow, or green shirt, and then traveled to the island. At exactly 4:00 PM, everyone would press play from wherever they happened to be on the island...

Check out the Battle For Roosevelt Island's Southpoint Park via Improv Everywhere.