Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Early Morning Commuting Options From Roosevelt Island To Manhattan - No Red Bus Prior To 6 A.M. So Put On Your Walking Or Bicycle Shoes

Image of New York City Sunrise From Zarky

A new Roosevelt Island resident asks the following question about very early in the morning commuting from Roosevelt Island to Manhattan:
I am a new resident to RI and reside at the north end of the island. I am a registered nurse that works on the upper east side on the columbia presbyterian campus. I wanted to know how the commute is for people who have to be in Manhattan by 6:30-7am using public transportation.
Is it reliable enough? Is it okay to walk early in the morning to guarantee a train ride on time? I have heard mixed reviews about the red bus and F train. Please let me know how it is and what people do.
Thanks and take care.
Another reader of this earlier post had a similar request for pre 6 A.M. Red Bus service:
I hope that in the near future, residents can have their bikes stored at the bike racks. If the bikes aren't a hazard, then I don't see what the issue is.

Speaking of changing something with the RIOC, I emailed them and suggested that the Red bus start service at 5:30am or 5:45am for those who have to be at work in Manhattan between 6:30am and 7am.

I don't know how realistic the request is, but I find it to be within reason.

This gives leeway for delays that can occur due to weather and what not.

I would like to hear people's thoughts about this.
The Roosevelt Island Red Bus does not begin service until 6 A.M. so the only option for those early morning commuters are walking to the subway/tram station or biking. The Tram begins operations at 6 A.M. and the subway is in service 24 hours a day.

According to the MTA there are 7 F trains servicing Roosevelt Island between the hours of 6 - 7 A.M. In my experience, the F Train does not get crowded at Roosevelt Island until at least 7:45 A.M. so early morning commuters should not have a problem finding room on the train.

As to walking to the train from the north part of Roosevelt Island, I have found it to take approximately 15- 20 minutes from Manhattan Park depending upon how leisurely a pace you maintain. If the question is whether or not it is safe to walk at that time, I think it is.

Good Luck with your new commute.

UPDATE - 9/11- RIOC President Steve Shane responds:
The first bus leaving Octagon is at 5:45AM to make the first Tram to Manhattan at 6:00AM.
I hope this solves your problem.