Gallery RIVVA Art Workshop Classes Start Saturday, September 26 - Explore Your Creative Talents
Received the following message from Gallery RIVAA regarding art classes that they will be conducting free of charge.
Sounds like fun and a great way to meet some new friends and neighbors. Why not check it out?
There's More!
Here is a description of the upcoming Art Workshops being conducted by RIVAA Artist/Teachers
Do not be frightened by the descriptions as each participant will be taught on their level and ability, while at the same time being introduced to art concepts that will help you to produce a personal piece of artwork and perhaps give you skills to further appreciate art that you might view in museums and galleries.
No prior art training is required.
Materials will be supplied.
All workshops take place at the Sportspark Art Studios behind the tennis bubble.
Any questions call Gallery RIVAA at 212 308 6630
Saturday, September 26th
11 -2
The general notions used in visual art expression. Composition, underlying structure, integrated spatial organizations, linear flow, part vs whole, etc.
The main components for creating an image: Form, Value, Color and Composition.
Drawing as the linear representation of subjects. The three modalities of line: Contour Line, Crosshatched Line and Gesture Line.
Positive and Negative shapes; the grid of lines to help integrate all elements in a composition.
Reducing objects to the basic geometric shapes of: sphere, cone, cylinder, pyramid, rectangular solid.
Value: light- dark relationship; three tones patterns and value scales,
The workshop will use still life objects for drawing studies and models for figure explorations and portraiture.
Saturday, October 3rd
Color – the esthetic, emotional and spiritual value of color.
The seven components of light as color – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Study the Color Wheel comprising Primary and Complementary colors. Study Warm and Cool Colors, Intense and Muted Tones. Learn the two main methods to gray down (Tone) the colors. Learn how to organize a palette. Learn color relationships and how to contrast colors.
Saturday, October 10th
11 -2
Drawing and Painting
Use of vertical and horizontal lines; proportions and measurements. Value scales of light, middle and dark tones. Workshop will use a model for figure drawing and portraiture. The model in motion will be studied for balance, structure and gravity. The poses will explore action, sitting, arching, gesture and character.
The symbolism of color and its importance in our lives.
Saturday, October 17th
11 – 2
Drawing and Painting
Pastel Technique:
Learn about different kinds of pastels (soft and hard).
Learn about colored papers for pastels and how to paint a landscape in pastels including luminosity, cool and warm colors
Learn about flat and modulated surface, texture, vibration, impasto, transparency and how to use varnishes.
Explore the psychological, esthetical and social-spiritual aspects of the Visual Arts. No art experience necessary for any of the workshops and all materials will be supplied.