Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports 11/10 - 11/23. Indecent Exposure, Cursing Motorist, Gallery RIVAA Profanity & Latenight Doorbell Ringing

You Tube Video Of Roosevelt Island Public Safety Recritment

The most recent Roosevelt Island 24 hour Public Safety Report is posted daily on the blog's inside right sidebar, just below the RIOC Directors email address. Listed is a daily log recapping local incidents the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department responded to the previous day.

RIOC is also posting the Daily and October Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. A breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category (the Blotter) for the months of September/October 2009 is available as well.

Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for November 11 - November 23, 2009. Incidents include:
  • Damage to Blackwell Tot Lot(11/10)
  • Urban American Porter Threatened By Tenant (11/11)
  • Latenight Doorbell Ringing (11/11, 12)
  • Motorist Cursed At RI Bridge Flagman (11/12)
  • Soccer Play Broke Leg, Mother Wanted Doctor Bills Paid (11/13)
  • Bike Stolen From 30 River Road Rack (11/14)
  • Indecent Exposure At Roosevelt Landings (11/14)
  • Unreasonable Noise From Auto Exhaust (11/15)
  • Tenant Deceased Due To Natural Causes (11/16)
  • Passenger Fainted On Tram (11/17)
  • Pedestrian Hit By Car In Crosswalk (11/17)
  • Gallery RIVAA Picture Frame Damaged (11/18)
  • Tenant Deceased (11/19, 20)
  • Yelling While Getting A Coffee (11/20)
  • Profanity Written In Gallery RIVAA Book
  • Pedestrian Hit By Car In Crosswalk (11/22) and
  • Loose Cigarette Sale (11/23)
11/10/09-7:00 AM to 11/11/09-7:00 AM

Criminal Mischief- At Blackwell Tot Play ground. 3 girls removed a brace used to temporally repair the fence. The damaged portion was cautioned off with caution tape. RIOC Supervisor was notified. Search yielded negative results.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

Missing Property- Goldwater Hospital employee reported a lost stenography note pad with personal court information missing. Search yielded negative results. Reporter will check the hospital. NYPD filed a report.

Smoke Condition- A tenant accidently burnt food on the stove. FDNY responded and extinguished it. River walk Manager on scene. No injuries. Water damage to apt.

Aided- A ill person in apt. EMS entered apt. Tenant refused to provided information and PSD response.

11/11/09-7:00 AM to 11/12/09-7:00 AM

Hazardous Condition- Report of a syringe on the walkway front of Goldwater Hospital. PSD responded and conducted a search for the area with negative results. Goldwater Hospital Police Officer was notified.

Harassment- UA porter reported tenant threatened to harm him. NYPD refused. Female had gone to hospital in the past for a mental condition.

Escort- Female escorted out of the thrift store due a previous incident in which she was irrate and disrespectful to employee.

Dispute- 5 teenage boys fighting in a group home. PSD responded. Reporter stated she called to prevent the play fighting from escalating to an actual fight. No injuries.

Escort-Female requested an escort to apt. She was fearful of a previous incident with a male in the hallway. But she left before PSD arrived. No description of the male provided. Search made with negative results.

Investigation- Unknown youth ringing apt door bell at a late hour in the night then fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. Later in the night an unknown male came to apt door. Tenant ran after him but he fled. PSD conducted a search with negative results. No injuries. NYPD refused.
There's More!

0700hrs 11/12/09 - 0700hrs 11/13/09

Water Leak- Tenant of UA found water in there apartment, UA corrected condition.

Escort- Tenant of Westview reports a suspicious male in her hallway, PSD responded search made area yield negative results.

Investigation- Tenant reports someone rang her door bell and running away, PSD responded search of area made yield negative results.

Investigation- Tenant reports the smell of illegal substance in the hallway, PSD responded made search of area yield negative results.

Found Property- Bus driver of bus#1 found a disability metro card, property log made.

Harassment- Motorist upset because of delays on the RI bridge, motorist cursed at flag man and drove off, PSD was able to retrieve the vehicle info.

0700hrs 11/13/09 - 0700hrs 11/14/09

Water Leak- Male reporter states water leaking into his apartment. UA responded and corrected condition.

Aided- Female wasn't feeling well. Ems responded and female was transported to hospital.

Investigation- Female states son's leg was broken during soccer game. Stated another child was to blame and she wanted doctor bills paid.

Family dispute- Mother and adult son had dispute over medical care.

Aided- Female fell from wheelchair. FDNY responded and corrected condition. Female Refused further medical assistance.

0700hrs 11/14/09 - 0700hrs 11/15/09
Person in Need of Supervision- A youth left the residence then later returned irrate. The youth left again and went to the grandmother's house. NYPD and PSD responded. NYPD confirmed youth was with the Grandmother.

Aided- A female fell from inside the RIOC Bus. She refused EMS and called her boy friend to assist her . PSD report requested. EMS and NYPD refused.

Aided- Male fell from his wheel chair in apt. UA, PSD and EMS responded. male was lifted up by EMS. Transport refused.

Petit Larceny- A bicycle was taken from a bike rack at 30 River Road. Victim will file a report with NYPD on his own.

Found Property- A jacket and bag. It was secured in PSD. Later the owner retrieved the property.

Smoke Condition- A resident accidently burnt food in the apt. No injuries or property damage. Windows opened to air out the hallway.

Domestic Dispute- Between a female and another person. Female stated she was fine and refused PSD report and notified NYPD. NYPD filed report of Domestic Dispute.

Indecent exposure- A female stated a male exposed himself to her . Male fled. PSD conducted a search with negative results.

11/15/09-7:00 AM t o 11/16/09-7:00 AM

Possible Aided- Report of a disabled wheel chair. PSD responded and female was able
to get it to work. Female advised to contact PSD if any problems occur with the wheel chair.

Aided- Female fell and sustained laceration to the back of her head. EMS responded and transported her to the hosp[ital.

Domestic Dispute- Between mother and daughter. No injuries. EMS and NYPD refused. Mother to make an appointment with a counselor on 11/16/09.

Water Leak- UA and PSD responded. Tenant refused to open the door for UA, but complied with PSD. Source of the water leak found in the bathroom and repaired by UA.

Unreasonable Noise from Auto Exhaust- Motorist was issued a summons by PSD.

Vehicle Damage- Vehicle was parking behind another and accidently struck the fender causing scratches. No injuries. EMS and NYPD refused.

11/16/09-7:00 AM to 11/17/09-7:00 AM

Aided/DOA- PSD notified that tenant deceased due to natural causes. Hospice nurse and family at tenant's apt. Family had contacted the Funeral Home for funeral arrangements.

Found Property- Apt keys in a hallway of a building. PSD checked with tenants and unable to locate the owner. The keys were locked and secured at PSD.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

Domestic Dispute- Between Wife and Husband. Wife yelling and unable to talk. EMS responded and reported no medical condition. NYPD refused. No injuries.

11/17/09-7:00 AM to 11/18/09-7:00 AM

Aided-EMS responded to Eastwood for an aided. But aided had left prior to the hospital prior to EMS response.

Water leak- In the Public Safety Office. UA notified and corrected the condition. No injuries.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

Aided- Female fainted on the Tram. EMS responded and transport to the hospital was refused. Female will see her private doctor.

Obstructing Access Control- At Sports Park an employee placed a hex key on the door bar mechanism which prevented access. Employee was notified not to obstruct access. The hex key was removed.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

Vehicle Accident- A vehicle made contact with a pedestrian in a crosswalk. Female sustained a sprang to her ankle. EMS transported her to the hospital. NYPD responded and filed a vehicle accident report.

11/18/09-7:00 AM to 11/19/09-7:00 AM

Investigation- A friend of an island resident reported another island resident possibly harassing the other. PSD spoke to both residents. NYPD refused.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

Aided- an Ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

Property Damage- 2 youths damaged a Rivva Gallery picture frame. PSD escorted the youth to PSD. They were released to guardian.

Disorderly Youth- 2 youths escorted to PSD. They were released to the guardian. Later the guardian called they were unruly. NYPD, PSD and EMS responded. The youth were transported to the hospital for evaluation.

Aided- Intoxicated male unresponsive. EMS responded. Male became alert and refused transport to the hospital. He went home.

0700 hrs 11/19/09 - 0700 hrs 11/20/09

Aided - PSD and EMS responded for male not feeling well. Aided refused transport to hospital.

Criminal Mischief - PSD took a report from super of two cracked windows and graffiti on it. Search was conducted with negative results for subjects.

Graffiti - PSD officer responded for report of graffiti on vending machines. PSD officer conducted search with negative results for subjects.

Investigation - NYPD and PSD questioned two youths on Main St. from past incident. It was made aware that youths were not with foster mom. Youths were brought to PSD office and it was determined that foster mom knew of youths location. Youths were released.

Verbal Dispute - PSD responded to verbal dispute between two males. PSD spoke to both parties. Both parties went their own way without further incident.

Alcohol/Open container - PSD officer observed male subject drinking from open container. Male subject was issued summons and released.

Aided - PSD and EMS responded to an apartment for aided not feeling well. Aided was transported to hospital.

DOA - PSD responded with EMS and NYPD to aided's apartment. EMS pronounced aided deceased.

0700hrs 11/20/09 - 0700hrs 11/21/09

D.O.A.- Elderly man found dead, died of natural causes, EMS, NYPD and family members on scene.

Aided- Male fell out of wheel chair, EMS and visiting nurse responded, male was transported to hospital and a home care agent was referred.

Harassment- Male reports while he was getting coffee a female walked in yelling at her and causing a scene, NYPD refused.

11/21/09-7:00 AM to 11/22/09-7:00 AM

Criminal Mischief-Mail box lock damaged. UA notified. It will be repaired Mon 11/23/09. Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD refused.

Investigation- A youth resident held on to another Island youth's watch and later denied it. NYPD refused. Matter to be referred to Civil Court and Youth Officer.

Graffiti- Unknown youth subject wrote profane graffiti in the Rivva Gallery book. Search for the subject yielded negative results.

Open Container- 2 Subjects were arrested by PSD.

Unlawful Possession of Marijuana/ Open Container- 5 Subjects arrested by PSD.

11/22/09-7:00 AM to 11/23/09-7:00 AM

Found Property- A ring it was secured in PSD.

Water Leak- It was coming from the Eastwood laundry room. UA porters corrected the condition.

Unlicenced Operator/ Disobey Stop Sign- Motorist issued 2 summonses.

Graffiti- In Island House Court Yard and the Light House Comfort Stations. RY Management and RIOC notified. Search for the subject yielded negative results.

Graffiti- Rear of 510 Main Street on pillars. UA notified. Search for the subject yielded negative results.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

Vehicle Accident/Aided- A vehicle made contact with a pedestrian in the crosswalk.
PSD responded and notified 911. Pedestrian sustained a bruise to her forehead. NYPD filed a report. Motorist was arrested by PSD. EMS transported female to the hospital,

11/23/09-7:00 AM to 11/24/09-7:00 AM

Investigation- Female Newspaper Delivery employee reported that 4 days ago an male adult exposed himself to her. PSD conducted a search with negative results. An investigation is actively being done. PSD providing escort to the female.

Investigation- An Island resident reported that a RIOC Bus driver did not pick her up at two different bus stops. She requested PSD report. Matter referred to the Mini Bus Supervisor.

Harassment- An Island resident reported that a RIOC employee's vehicle struck his vehicle 3 days ago. PSD conducted an investigation. It was determined that the RIOC employee did not hit the resident's vehicle. Resident notified of the outcome of the investigation.

Found Property- A cell phone. It was secured in PSD.

Sale of loose Cigarette- Male issued a summons by PSD.

Criminal Mischief- a hole in the hallway wall of a building. UA notified. Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD refused.

Aided/EDP- Female homeless attempted to enter the 888 Main Street garage. PSD responded and female became irate and started to screaming. EMS responded and transported her to the hospital for observation. Her belongings were removed from the garage. No injuries.