Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Emergency Preparedness Workshop For Roosevelt Island Presented By Senator Jose Serrano & Advice For Seniors And Students

State Senator Jose Serrano is inviting Roosevelt Island residents to an Emergency Preparedness Workshop on January 5.

Emergency Preparedness Workshop
WHEN: January 5th at 11:00 am
WHERE: Roosevelt Island Seniors Association
546 Main Street
Roosevelt Island, New York

Senator Serrano, the American Redcross in Greater New York, and the NYC Office of Emergency Management will offer this free presentation, designed to prepare individuals and families for emergencies. Attendees will learn how to create a family disaster plan, build and maintain a supply kit, and keep loved ones safe and informed during times of disaster.

Participants will receive a free interactive CD that can be used to create a customized evacuation plan and other tools that will help any family get prepared. For more information please call Ingrid Sotelo at (212) 828-5829
More infomation is available at the NYC Office Of Emergency Management (OEM).

The OEM teaches Seniors how to prepare for emergencies in this video

You Tube Video Of Emergency Preparedness For Seniors

and children as well.

You Tube Video of Emergency Preparedness For Kids