Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Roosevelt Island Resident Makes Generous Donation Of Rug To PS/IS 217 1st Graders And Receives Big Thank You

Thank You Image From Community Scholastic

Manhattan Park RIRA representative Isabel Perez-Cruz sends the following public message of thanks and appreciation to a fellow Roosevelt Island resident who made a generous contribution to the children attending our local PS/Is 217.
I would like to thank Mr. Barry Fox, a River Walk resident for a generous donation of a brand new rug for the 1st grade class in P.S./I.S. 217. Because two classes where merged, the 1s grade class grew to have 30 students in a room, that spend some of their morning routine sitting in a rug. Because this class became so big, there where some kids that did not fit in the rug and had to sit in the floor. Mainly thinking that winter is coming and the floor will get very cold, I brought this issue to the attention of Mr. Fox. He does not have any ties or relation to the school, but immediately agreed to donate a rug from his rug business. The rug was placed two weeks ago. This is an example of how Roosevelt Islanders come to the help of others in the best way they can. I really appreciate Mr. Fox generosity and Ms. Volpe, who originally put me in contact with him.