Thursday, October 14, 2010

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Nominations Open For 2010-12 Common Council Delegates - Come Participate And Help Improve Your Community

RIRA 2010 Nomination Flyer

Do you want to help improve life here on Roosevelt Island? Provide input on issues of importance to you and your neighbors such as Affordable Housing, Public Safety, Transportation (Red Bus,Tram, Bicycles, Ferries),  Main Street Retail, Parks, Parking, Dogs and anything else you can think of?

 Image of RIRA October 2010 Meeting

If so, please consider representing your building area as a delegate to the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council in the upcoming November 2, 2010 elections and lending your voice and expertise to these discussions.

The RIRA Nominations Committee explains the process for running below:

Nomination Forms Available October 1-24 Want to become an active participant in your local community?

Now’s your chance!

Nomination forms at locations listed below! * RUN FOR ONE OF THESE COMMON COUNCIL POSITIONS:

President, Vice President, (Island Wide) ,or Common Council Representative (for your own building‘)
Following these 2 simple steps will place your name in the running:

1) Fill out completely and SIGN form, available October 1-24.
2) Place the form in the nominations receiving box located at Public Safety

Eligibility: All nominees must be
1) 18 years of age and
2) a resident of RI for at least one year (only if running for President or Vice President). There is no residency time limit for those only running to represent their building or complex.

Nominees are NOT required to be U.S. citizens for this local election.

If you know someone you’d like to nominate, fill out the form. The nominee MUST complete his/her portion to make form valid. Deposit COMPLETED forms in the RIRA nominations box located at Public Safety (550 Main St.) by 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 24, 2010.

Incomplete forms will be considered invalid!

*Blank nomination forms may be found at the Public Safety office, the RI Public Library and in many residential buildings. You may also get the nomination form thru e-mail by sending a request
to Aaron Hamburger, phone: 212-7582623, e-mail: GOOD LUCK & WE’LL SEE YOU AT THE VOTING BOOTH!
Questions? Call Aaron Hamburger at 212-758-2623
Will have more on the RIRA elections in the coming days. Please consider getting involved and running to represent your buildings in the RIRA Common Council. The Common Council Member Seats are apportioned as follows:
  • 546 Main Street in Eastwood - 2 seats
  • The rest of Eastwood - 7 seats
  • 2 River Road - 1 seat
  • 4 River Road - 1seat
  • 10, 20, 30 and 40 River Road - 8 seats
  • Westview - 3 seats
  • Island House - 3 seats
  • Rivercross - 3 seats
  • Southtown Buildings - 9 seats
  • Octagon - 5 seats
If any candidate wishes to provide a statement regarding their candidacy, I am happy to provide them space on the Roosevelt Islander Blog.

There are at least 2 new candidates for Southtown's RIRA delegates, Vinicius (Vini) and Lorena Fortuna. They created an excellent web site for their candidacy including some valuable RIRA election information. They are a great example of the type of new blood needed for Roosevelt Island and RIRA.

A meet the candidates night has been scheduled for each building's Candidates as well as for the Island wide elections for President and Vice President. The Candidate's Night Schedule is as follows:
  • Southtown - October 26
  • WIRE Buildings - October 27
  • Manhattan Park and Octagon October 28 and
  • President and Vice President October 27 following the WIRE's Building's Candidate Night
RIRA Nomination Forms are available here from the Main Street WIRE.

 Image of RIRA 2008-20010 Common Council
While it is true that RIRA has no real power or authority on any particular issue, RIRA is considered to be the voice of the residents by those who do have such power, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board Of Directors and staff as well as our elected officials, which is why RIRA is important.

Again, please consider running for the RIRA Board. The Roosevelt Island community needs your input and expertise.