Statement From Ava Dawson And Joe Terranella In Support Of Their Candidacy For Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council Delegates From Manhattan Park
Received the following Candidate Statements of two current Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council Delegates From Manhattan Park who are seeking another term - Ava Dawson and Joe Terrenalla.
For Ava Dawson:Happy to post statements from any other RIRA Candidate as well.
I'm happy to be running for RIRA again, but unfortunately cannot attend the candidates night on Thursday. I ask that no one hold this against me, as I work every Thursday night (but never on Wednesdays - the official RIRA meeting night).
For the past two years, I've been proud to represent Manhattan Park as the youngest member of RIRA, and I'm very excited about running for a second term! I feel that I represent both the young working professional and student demographics of Roosevelt Island.
I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Pediatric Nursing at Columbia University, and working as a School Nurse in the West Village. Prior to earning my second Bachelor's in Nursing from Columbia in 2010, I graduated from New York University in 2007 with a Bachelor's in History, Law and Society, and served as the Senior Immigration Paralegal and Office Manager at a midtown law firm for three years. I feel that my diverse background and representation of the underrepresented, yet prevalent young professional and student demographics make me an ideal representative for Manhattan Park.
In my role as a Manhattan Park representative over the last two years, I have advocated for quiet study space in the plans for the new library, worked with the Island Services Committee on Island issues such as the Red Bus and bicycle/pedestrian safety, helped staff the free bagel table at Roosevelt Island Day, recruited blood donations at the Farmer's Market, and I headed the bake-sale portion of the summer 2010 RIRA fund raising concert, which brought in approximately $150 in additional funds. I have also helped with weekend WIRE distribution in Manhattan Park.
I feel very passionately about the need for study space to be available for high school, college and graduate students on the island (as well as anyone else who wants a quiet place to read). I also strongly support the preservation and creation of affordable housing on the Island, with a specific interest in advocating for younger families wanting to purchase. If elected, I look forward to advocating for these efforts, as well as those I have been involved in over the last two years.
I'm always open to suggestions, comments and friend requests!
Ava Dawson
From Joe Terranella:
I'm excited to be running for RIRA again, and look forward to attending the candidates night on Thursday.
Over the last two years I have worked hard to represent the young working professional and student demographics of Roosevelt Island. I have been an active member of the Island Services committee, advocating for more reliable Red Bus service and a more vibrant Main Street by supporting the master lease holder plan after careful consideration. I think that Red Bus service will be a continual work in progress and that the master lease holder plan will help to fill the many vacancies on Main Street. If elected for a second term I will investigate establishing a food cooperative on Main Street that would provide the Saturday Farmer's Market quality food every day of the week.
I have been an active member of the Roosevelt Island community, delivering the WIRE in 10 River Road, volunteering and donating at the blood drive as well as assisting with the RIRA bake sale fundraiser.
In my professional life, I work for BBC Worldwide Americas producing short digital videos for educational publishers. I am also pursuing a masters in media management at The New School, frequently traveling downtown to study because of the lack of quiet public space on Roosevelt Island. I think a quiet communal space that is open daily and until at least 9PM each night would greatly improve the life of the many students on the Island.
This is a very exciting time to be involved on Roosevelt Island and I look forward to continuing to represent Manhattan Park over the next two years. I am here to advocate for all Manhattan Park residents, if you have something you would like me to take up for you, feel free to stop me on Main Street or email me.
Joe Terranella
The full list of RIRA Candidate Nominees for all Roosevelt Island buildings together with Meet the Candidate Schedule is available here.
Remember that tonight at 7 PM is an opportunity to meet the RIRA Candidates for the WIRE Buildings as well as the Great Presidential Debate between current RIRA President Frank Farance and challenger Mathew Katz that is scheduled to start at 8 PM. Both events take place at the Good Shepherd Community Center at 543 Main Street.
Image of RIRA Presidential Candidates Farance & Katz At Riverwalk Candidate Night (Dave Evans in middle ably moderated event)
A precursor to the RIRA Great Presidential Debate was held last week at Southtown with presentations made by Mr. Farance and Mr. Katz to a group of Riverwalk residents as well as a Question and Answer Session. Dave Evans, the moderator of the evening and Southtown RIRA Delegate Nominee, provides this report:
My family and I are relatively new to Roosevelt Island and it is amazing the level of effort and inputs required to make our small, diverse community function. Volunteers at all levels fill many of the equation's functional variables. As the Chairman of our Building's Community Relations Committee, I served as Moderator of a wonderful exchange between Mr. Frank Farance and Mr. Matthew Katz. As they shared their vision for a better Roosevelt Island for all residents, I witnessed the spirit of and commitment to volunteerism in these two gentleman in their bid for election as President of the very important Roosevelt Island Residents Association. While the "shootout at Riverwalk Corral" was not lethal, it was informative, sincere and substantive as they left the audience to choose whom it desires to be 'stage front' in the pursuit of an Island that stands for all. I am confident that the one not selected will still serve because once a volunteer, always a volunteer.In the event you are not able to make it to the polls on November 2, RIRA Election Absentee ballot and information available here.