Wednesday, November 24, 2010

RIOC Holding Community Office Hours For Roosevelt Island Residents Every Wednesday From 3 - 5 PM - Tell RIOC What's On Your Mind Says RIRA President

RIRA President Matthew Katz Speaking At November 2010 Common Council Meeting

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) President Matt Katz reports:
Dear Colleagues:

Leslie Torres announced a new service in last weekend’s RIOC Column. Starting today, RIOC will offer community office hours every Wednesday from 3 to 5 P.M. at 591 Main Street. I suspect that these meetings will be with Community Liaison, Erica Wilder, or someone else who can convey the discussions to the correct RIOC exec for action. Unfortunately, this notice was buried toward the latter part of the column and has not been publicized otherwise.

This service resulted from a conversation I had with Leslie on November 8, when I mentioned that several Islanders had complained to me that they were unable to speak to anyone in authority at RIOC, either in person or by telephone. I suggested a method similar to that used by Sen. Serrano and Assembly Member Kellner, who meet with their Island constituents regularly. She said this would be implemented.

I’m afraid that, should no one take advantage of this offer, it will simply disappear. Please inform your constituents and neighbors of this opportunity. Also, you might drop by and introduce yourself as a RIRA Delegate. This is a good way to get to know the folks at RIOC as well as to sustain the office hours.

Thanks, best wishes and happy Thanksgiving,

Matt Katz
Ms. Torres announced the RIOC community hours in her November 17 Report To The Roosevelt Island Community:
RIOC Community Office Hours - Residents are invited to come to the RIOC office at 591 Main Street on Wednesdays from 3 to 5 p.m. to bring any concern or issue to our RIOC representative. For more information, please call 212-832- 4540.
UPDATE 10:50 PM - Ooops -Mr. Katz reports back that he discovered after going to RIOC HQ this afternoon that the Community Hours will not start until next Wednesday.