Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Difficulties With Roosevelt Island Tram North Cabin Appears Fixed This Evening - On a Cold Rainy Night Tram Station Heat Lamps Were Off But Then Turned On

How was your commute home tonight? Roosevelt Island 360 reports on his:
Despite the reflection of light in the attached picture the heat lamp lights on the Manhattan platform were off this cold damp evening on a night where the even neglible warmth they provide would be a blessing.  Why ?
A few minutes later:
For some reason they just came on.... Assuming the temp hit the required degree for them to come on... Was cold and wet w-thout them.
No screams but south cabin is swinging tonight due to winds.
Whatever difficulties the Tram's North Cabin was experiencing last night and earlier today seem to have been fixed. No word yet on what the problem was.

UPDATE 4/13, 12:40 PM-  Received this advisory from RIOC at 12:35 AM:
Per Tram Supervisor Bob Kelly, due to severe weather and lightening, tram service will be temporarily interrupted until further notice.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
According to this tweet, Markie had a scary Tram ride.


Mike G. said...
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Mike G. said...

The south cabin stalled for a few minutes this morning on the way into Manhattan. But I think it was because of very high wind gusts - the old tram would likely have stopped too.

It started up again with no problems after that, and we had a fairly smooth ride the rest of the way.

Anonymous said...

I have commented on this before, both directly to RIOC and here on this blog.

OLD OR NEW -- Our Tram cabins and their occupants are just not meant to fly across the river when the winds are over 25-30miles an hour.

One does not have to be a veteran or new Tram employee or passenger to know and ACCEPT that no one wants to feel like their principal means of transit is dangerous -- even with assurances that it is not.

If the wind gusts while the cabins are up - do what we did before -- slow the cabin down as much as possible and continue on the trip. When I first moved here in 1983, in the middle of a blizzard, that is what was done, and while still a little nerve-wracking, no one felt unsafe.

Those dopey e-mails and texts that RIOC / POMA keeps sending out, besides seeming to be written by a first grader -- are not helpful or reassuring about getting some of us long-timers back on the Tram -

Anonymous said...

This morning on the tram to Manhattan I overheard the following conversation between a man and the tram operator: "The tram is way too bumpy and the new schedule is stupid. Tell that to management."

I agree that the bumps are a bit too noticeable at times (especially when it's particularly windy) but if we would just stop complaining about them and just get used to them, i.e. just hold on - something you do all the time on the bus or on the subway - that'd be great. Nobody is going to do anything about the bumps. They are there and won't go anywhere.

Love the "stupid" part, though. Way to make a good point that it worth bringing up to management. I feel sorry for the operators who have to listen to these kinds of complains (some people actually really get angry).