Friday, May 20, 2011

Roosevelt Island Residents Association Brings Synthetic Ice Rink To Health & Fitness Day

Image from RIRA's Lynn Strong-Shinozaki

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Social, Cultural and Educational Committee Chairperson Lynn Strong-Shinozaki shares these pictures of RIRA's Skate RI event that brought ice skating on an EZ Glide synthetic ice surface to the Child School's Gym during Saturday's Roosevelt Island Health & Fitness Day. Skating was free but there was a charge if you rented skates.

Image from RIRA's Lynn Strong-Shinozaki

According to RIRA President Matt Katz

 Image of Mr. Katz at Skate RI

speaking at last night's RIOC Board meeting, over 80 skaters

Image from RIRA's Lynn Strong-Shinozaki

used the synthetic ice rink which raised over a thousand dollars for RIRA.

Mr. Katz also thanked RIOC for it's contribution to RIRA's Skate RI. Other RIRA members expressed to me frustration and disappointment that Roosevelt Island's Riverwalk, Manhattan Park and Rivercross building managements did not provide any support or assistance to RIRA's Skate RI event.

RIRA is exploring a return engagement of Skate RI.

A concern was raised by several people that when falling on the synthetic ice surface,

 Image of Skater Falling at Skate RI

an oily residue remained on the person's skin and clothes. When I mentioned this to Ms. Shinozaki, she told me that the residue was glycerin and perfectly safe. However, according to a My Backyard Icerink review of synthetic ice surfaces:
... Avoid silicone or glycerin solutions....
Something for RIRA to consider if Skate RI is to return.

For comparison purposes, here's the outdoor synthetic Polar Ice Rink at the American Museum of Natural History.

You Tube Video of American Museum of Natural History Synthetic Ice Rink