One Pint, One Hour, 3 Lives - Sign Up To Be A Donor For The Roosevelt Island Blood Drive At The Farmers Market Tomorrow
The Roosevelt Island Day Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) annual Blood Drive is currently underway. RIRA President Matt Katz reported at the June RIRA meeting that:
After two Saturdays at the Farmers Market, I can report to you that the sign-up for blood donors is going gangbusters. With two weeks to go, and due to the ultra-persuasive volunteers staffing our table, we have fifty-one pledges in hand.There's still plenty of room for more Roosevelt Island blood donors. It's easy to sign up. Just stop by the RIRA Blood Drive Table at the Farmers Market tomorrow. Speak to the RIRA members
who will provide you with all the information you need and learn how you can donate blood and save one life or maybe more.
The blood donations will take place on Roosevelt Island Day, June 11, at the Seniors Center, 546 Main Street from 10 AM - 4 PM. You will be treated very well.