Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Roosevelt Island Gang Awareness Summit For Adults Thursday June 23 at Good Shepherd Community Center - Gang Recognition and Awareness Presentation By Ron "Cook" Barrett

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Director Keith Guerra reports:
As part of our pro-active Community Outreach program, the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department will be hosting it's second Gang Summit on Thursday, June 23rd from 6:30pm-8:30pm.

We will be bringing in renowned gang expert Ron "Cook" Barrett, who will put on a fantastic presentation on Gang Recognition and Awareness.

Please pass the word regarding this summit, as we feel that everyone in attendance will get something out of this very informative program.

Thank you and hope to see you on 6/23.
The Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department:

Presents: a Summit on gangs for Adults

THURSday, JUNE 23rd 
6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Good Shepherd Church

 Gang Expert, Ron “Cook” Barrett

This Summit is a must see.  Not only will it teach gang awareness, but it will also help answer the following questions:

Do we have a Gang issue here on r.i.?
Do we have a gang problem?
Do you think your child or neighbor is in a gang?
What are indicators your child may be
being recruited by a gang?
Is your child associating with
gang members?
How can that affect your child?
What is gang graffiti?
And much, much more …

Refreshments will be served at 6:00 PM.