Friday, June 24, 2011

Roosevelt Island Outdoor Summer Movies Return To Firefighter's Field Saturday Night At Dusk With Iron Man 2

Image from RIOC

Outdoor Summer Movies return this Saturday to Roosevelt Island's Firefighter's Field. According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
This year's theme is Family Night! Bring a blanket, a chair and the whole family to Roosevelt Island's Outdoor Summer Movie Series and enjoy feature films under the stars. Food and drink will be available for purchase.

All shows are free! Movies begin at 8 pm on the following Saturdays:

6/25/11 - Iron Man 2 (Rain Date: 7/3/11)
7/9/11 - The Goonies (Rain Date: 7/17/11)
7/23/11 - Star Trek (Rain Date: 7/31/11)
8/6/11 - Up (Rain Date: 8/14/11)
8/20/11 - Tron (Rain Date: 8/28/11)
9/3/11 - The Incredibles (Rain Date: 9/4/11)

See you there!
Saturday's Roosevelt Island Outdoor Movie is Iron Man 2.

Of course Southpoint Park is a much better place to experience outdoor movies but that's a whole other story.