Hurricane Irene Approaching New York City - Roosevelt Island Community Comfort Station Set Up At Child School/Legacy HS
Just received this update from Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
Please be advised that Sal Ferrera, Director of the Child School/Legacy HS, has set up a Community Comfort Station for residents in need of emergency shelter. The Comfort Station opened as of 1 PM today and will remain opened through tomorrow and Monday if necessary. There will be food, water, mats, access to the internet and telephone.There was a RI311 See Click Fix report of:
Anyone seeking shelter, please come to Legacy HS, 566 Main Street, and ring the front bell for access. We would like to thank The Child School/Legacy HS for their support to the community in this time of need.
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
The police department has failed to secure their dog traing equipment with a huricane about to hit New YorkI asked RIOC about the K9 Dog Training equipment still in the Southtown lot. Community Relations Specialist Erica Wilder replied:
Keith Guerra has contacted the NYPD K-9 Lieutenant who will be sending a team of officers to attempt to secure the equipment inside the K-9 Training Facility.