Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Con Man Reported On Roosevelt Island According To Public Safety Report - No Info Yet If Scam Was A House Of Games

You Tube Video of House Of Cards Con Explanation Scene

According to the 12/23 -24 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Report:
Scheme To Defraud- Anon female reports con man. Searched with negative results.
I asked both RIOC's Public Safety Department Chief and Press Spokesperson yesterday:
Please provide additional details as the nature of the scheme to defraud, where it occurred, any similar incidents and any other relevant details.
Have not received response yet.

An elaborate scam is the subject of House of Games.  It is a very enjoyable movie (an excerpt shown in the video above) about the con game with Joe Mantegna, Lindsey Crouse and Ricky Jay.

Here's a montage of more Con Men movies.

You Tube Video Montage Of Con Men Movies

Also, it's almost January and the November Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Blotter is not available to the public yet. The last available Public Safety Monthly Blotter is for October.