Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Message From Roosevelt Island's Roosevelt Landings Service Committee - Goal Is To Keep An Open Chain Of Communications Between Residents and Urban American Landlord

Image of Roosevelt Landings f/k/a Eastwood

Received the following message from Roosevelt Island resident Romano Reid.
The Roosevelt Landings Service Committee is a board of (7-9) building delegates working in conjunction with our Urban American property manager (Doryne Isley) to better maintain the overall services for the developments residents.  Our mission is to keep an open chain of communication between Our property owners/managers/ Superintendents and residents. This Board is founded and chaired by Romano Reid.

According to New York State Real Property Law 230 ,Anybody who resides in the development in question can form, join, or start an organization. As a direct result The Service Committee is a Resident based group that addresses the overall concerns of the buildings.. The Committee will only address issues pertaining to individual residents at the sole request of the resident.

Please Note - The Roosevelt Landings Service Committee has (NO) affiliation with the Roosevelt Landings Residents Association.." WE ARE A STAND ALONE " COMMITTEE"... ALL RESIDENTS CAN FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US!!!

The (7) Building delegates are as follows:
  • Romano Reid > Chairperson
  • Vivian Hines > Co-Chairperson.
  • Liala Amatullah >Secretary
  • Kwasi Long > .
  • Nelli Velez >, .
  • Lorraine Williams >
  • Shirley Marshal.
Please Note: The Service committee is seeking (2) additional delegates to assist us in building business.

To date, our accomplishments include:

1) The service committee has worked with Doryne Isley of Urban American to implement a Halloween Patrol in the building since 2005.The Halloween patrol is comprised of maintenance workers and residents on Halloween from 6 PM 12 Midnight.

2) The Service Committee has also facilitated over 100 meetings between UA, residents .The meetings ranged from maintenance repairs, rent inaccuracies to neighborly disputes.

3)The service committee also monitors the overall level of service by UA maintenance staff..The committee meets with Doryne Isley on a as needed basis.

I ask that if any resident has issues to feel free to contact our group.

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