Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Larger Turnout Expected for RIOC Real Estate Committee Today Causes Change In Location To Manhattan Park Community Center - Could Be For Possible Gallery RIVAA Eviction From Sportspark Mezzanine, Child School Equestrian Center Or Something Else?

Just received this update from Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) regarding Real Estate Development committee meeting later today:

Attached please find the amended notice for the June 12, 2012 meeting of the Real Estate Development Advisory Committee of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation Board of Directors.

Please note that the only change to the notice is the location of the meeting. The meeting will now be held at the Manhattan Park Community Center, 8 River Road, as we were informed today that a large turnout is expected. 
Here's the Agenda for today's Real Estate Committee Meeting:
1.  Potential Uses of Sportspark Mezzanine;
2. Availability of Additional Community Spaces;
3.  Retail Master Lease Performance;
4. Presentation Regarding a Proposed Equestrian Center; and
5. Any Other Committee Business That May be Brought Before the Committee.
I don't know which Agenda Item is the cause of the anticipated larger than expected attendance for the Real Estate Development Committee meeting. It could be about the proposed Child School Equestrian Center plan or the possible eviction of Gallery RIVAA

 Image Of Gallery RIVAA Protest Signs At Roosevelt Island Day

from their current workspace at Sportspark Mezzanine which was the subject of protest and a petition drive during Roosevelt Island Day last Saturday.

  Image Of Gallery RIVAA Protest Signs At Roosevelt Island Day

Maybe some other issue.

Stay tuned to find out more.

UPDATE 9:15 PM - The larger than expected crowd for tonight's RIOC Real Estate Committee meeting came from supporters of Gallery RIVAA and members of the Roosevelt Island Islamic community.

Gallery RIVAA supporters were objecting to the possibility of losing their current workspace in the Sportspark Mezzanine to the Roosevelt Island Islamic community. The Roosevelt Island Islamic community is seeking a location for a worship/cultural space and is exploring the possibility of using Sportspark Mezzanine for that purpose.

Another option raised for the first time at tonight's meeting was reconfiguring a portion of the Sportspark women's locker room for use by either Gallery RIVAA or the Islamic community. No decisions were made at tonight's Real Estate Committee meeting regarding the use Sportspark space but RIOC staff will examine the possibilities.

Also discussed was a presentation by Gallop NYC to develop with the Child School a Therapeutic Equestrian Stable on Roosevelt Island in the open space between the Octagon Soccer Field and East River. Later this summer that area will be used for additional picnic tables and exercise equipment.

Will have more on both of these issues later.