Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation Offering Hebrew School Classes Starting September 5
Received the following message from the Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation.
The Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation (RIJC) will offer Hebrew school classes to a new generation of students, building on its 30-year history of serving the Jewish community of Roosevelt Island.More on the RIJC Hebrew School available at their web site. including contact information.
Initially, the RIJC Hebrew School will offer two weekly after-school classes: one class will be for four- and five-year olds on Mondays at 4pm at and another for six- to eight-year olds at 5pm. The program will incorporate Hebrew language, songs, Shabbat and holiday celebrations, Torah stories, love of Israel, arts & crafts and drama. All activities will be integrated with the life of the RIJC and will be held in the RIJC classroom at the Cultural Center complex.
Classes will begin on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 and will be held on Monday afternoons thereafter. Membership in the RIJC is not required for enrollment in the Hebrew school.
The Hebrew School is the natural evolution of the congregation’s efforts to meet the needs of the Island’s families. As the children grow and the program expands, the congregation plans additional classes and Bar/Bat mitzvah preparation, which is a natural extension of the educational program.
The RIJC has expanded its family programming over the past few years, as new families have moved to the Island. Highlights of the past year's activities for children and families include Pajama Havdalah, Purim festivities and musical High Holy Day Children’s’ Services.
The recent opening of new residential and commercial buildings, coupled with attention generated from the planned Cornell/Technion Graduate Education Center are bringing a new vibrancy to Roosevelt Island. RIJC President Nina Lublin says, “As a long-time member and Roosevelt Island resident, I am delighted that we will offer the youngest members of our community an opportunity to play and learn together, while getting the benefit of an enriched Jewish education through the RIJC.”
Rabbi Leana Moritt, who has served the congregation for five years, will oversee the educational efforts. She will work side by side with lay leader Michal Melamed and teacher Anna Levenstein, who has taught at other New York City Hebrew Schools. Notes Rabbi Moritt, “The future of the Jewish people is in our children and our ability to transmit the wisdom, beauty and joy of Jewish living, values and identity. Our island is the ideal place to model Jewish community. We have the best of all worlds: the sophistication and opportunities of the city one subway/tramway stop away coupled with the intimacy of small town relationships. I am thrilled the congregation has made it a priority to establish a Hebrew School for our youngest members and neighbors.”
The RIJC is an independent, egalitarian congregation, open and welcoming to all.