Roosevelt Island Main Street Road Construction Safety Concerns From Resident and Response From RIOC
Roosevelt Island resident Raye Schwartz expresses concern over safety issues surrounding the Main Street Reconstruction Project and shares this message she sent to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department Director Keith Guerra and Vice President of Operations Fernando Martinez last Friday.
This morning while I was baby sitting I needed to get something from Gristedes. I walked up Main Street past PS217 and found that I could not cross, so I turned around and walked south. I was going to use the crosswalk near Westview and The Child School, but found that I could not see the southbound traffic unless I actually walked into the street. That's because the line of sight was completely obstructed by huge trucks parked all the way from 217 and double parked at Westview.RIOC Director Margie Smith responded to Ms. Schwartz:
I was not about to do that and endanger my grand daughter in her stroller. Further, there was so much traffic coming from the bridge that it was clear to me that even if I got across the street safely I would face another dangerous situation crossing at the bottom of the helix ramp.
I finally walked to the RIOC office and asked Carlina to notify you about this situation. FYI, there were two other people with strollers who were in the same predicament as well as an elderly wheelchair bound woman who was so frustrated that she was nearly in tears.
Further, this coming week is sure to be a nightmare because of bridge closings related to the UN general assembly meeting.
Based on these situations it is clear to me that there must be a public safety presence on foot at that area, not just periodic patrols in cars. That presence must be maintained throughout the repaving project. I am making this known to you because I fear that there can and possibly will be one or more serious accidents in that area without some kind of officer presence. Please do everything possible to make certain that pedestrians as well as school children are protected throughout this construction, that the lines of sight at crosswalks are not blocked, and some signage placed letting people know where they can cross safely.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the note. I’ll speak with Fernando and be sure there aren’t any unsafe conditions during the project work.Mr. Guerra responded as well:
Thank you for the email. We at RIOC are trying to do the best we can under the circumstances. Street construction projects always pose issues, but rest assured that four different departments are working collectively to be on top of it. The Construction Company is mandated to have Flag-Personnel assisting with traffic flow during construction hours. Our Engineering and Transportation Departments are out there making sure they conform to the agreement. Our Community Relations Specialist is in constant contact with the administrators of P.S. 217 to remind folks about the traffic condition. The Public Safety Department is in the process of setting up a special detail, beginning Monday, to assist with traffic flow in front of P.S. 217 during morning drop-offs and afternoon pick-ups, as well as on Main Street. Hopefully, it will be better next week.More on Main Street Reconstruction project from previous post.
As an aside, our Officers on Patrol did observe two Delivery Trucks double-parked in front of Westview, and issued them summonses.