Monday, December 17, 2012

2 Roosevelt Island Arrests For Criminal Weapon Possession This Weekend - RIOC Refuses To Say What Type Of Weapon

I sent the following inquiry to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Acting President Don Lewis, Public Safety Director Keith Guerra and RIOC Directors this morning

The 12/15/16 Daily Public Safety Report lists 2 incidents regarding arrests for possession of a weapon this past weekend.
12/15 - 0000 - F/O 200 Main St - Criminal Poss of a Weapon - Criminal Poss of Marijuana - PSD arrested two subjects

12/16 - 0503 - 4 Riverroad - Assault - Criminal Poss of a Weapon - Obstructing Governmental Administration - PSD arrested three subjects and 6 issued c summonses and 2 released to their parents.
Please provide information on these incidents including:

1- What weapons were involved in these incidents,

2- was anybody injured,

3 - did the incidents take place in the buildings or on the street,

4- what time of day

5- were Roosevelt Island residents involved

6- were the two incidents related and

any other relevant information.

I will be publishing post on this today so please let me know if you wish to make any further comment.
Later in the day, I sent this inquiry:
As a follow up to earlier weapons possession email inquiry, were these Disorderly Conduct arrests for 12/15 -16 related to the weapons possession arrests?
12/16 - 0300 - 550 Main St - Disorderly Conduct - PSD arrested subject

12/16 - 0330 - 4 Riverroad - Disorderly Conduct - PSD arrested three subjects
Please provide details on these incidents as well.
RIOC's Press Spokesperson replied:
Both of the 4 River Rd. incidents initiated from the same fight. There were two minor injuries. The 550 Main St. incident was related in that the subject who engaged in the disorderly conduct had come from the 4 River Rd. incident on his own. The 200 Main St. incident was unrelated and resulted in no injuries. The time of each incident is provided in the report.
I followed up with:
Will there be any comment on the weapons possession incident I asked about as well?
The answer from RIOC Press Spokesperson:
Both weapons possession incidents are referred to in our response to your previous email. RIOC has no any additional statement about those incidents.
So, RIOC is silent as to whether the criminal weapon possession arrests were for a gun, knife or something else.

I also asked RIOC about this incident:
The 12/16 -17 Public Safety Report indicates
12/16/12 - 2230 - 540 Main St - Forcible Touching - NYPD filed a report.
What is a "forcible touching". Was there an arrest?

Please provide additional details as to what happened.
No reply yet from RIOC.