Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Roosevelt Island New York State Assembly Member Micah Kellner Reports On Second Avenue Subway And Hurricane Sandy Damage - He Reports Coler Hospital Patients Left Alone and Forgotten Without Power For Days

Roosevelt Island's NY State Assembly Member Micah Kellner was recently interviewed by:

Greg Floyd about the Second Avenue Subway, the new science center on Roosevelt Island and his work in the state legislature to raise the minimum wage. The series host of "Reaching Out," on NYC & Long Island cable TV and WWRL Radio, is Teamsters Local 237 President Gregory Floyd.
Mr. Kellner also reported on how Roosevelt Island was damaged by Hurricane Sandy with major flooding at the northern portions of the Island

as well as week long power loss at Coler Hospital and the Octagon Buildng. According to Mr. Kellner, Coler Hospital patients were left alone and forgotten in the dark without power for a few days.

Mr. Kellner indicated that designating Roosevelt Island as a Hurricane Evacuation Zone A instead of B should be reconsidered.

Here's the full interview with Mr. Kellner.