Roosevelt Island Exposure Arrest Reports RIOC Public Safety Department
I sent the following message yesterday to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Acting President Don Lewis and Public Safety Department Director Keith Guerra:
According to 1/23 Public Safety Report, an arrest was made on Roosevelt Island for Exposure.
1/23/13 - 0415 - Exposure of a Person - PSD conducted Arrest
Please provide additional details regarding this incident including:
- where did it occur,
- did the incident occur at 4:15 AM or is that when the arrest took place
- what were the ages and gender of victim and suspect
- is the incident related to previous exposure incidents on Roosevelt Island and
- any other relevant information.
The incident occurred at 11:44 pm in the lot of 900 Main St. (Coler Hospital) and it was unrelated to any prior incidents. (4:15 am is when the Incident Report was completed.) We can also tell you that there were no injuries.RIOC's November Incident Blotter indicated an indecent exposure incident took place at the Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Station:
11/12/2012 62nd St & 2nd Avenue Manhattan Tram Plaza - Female reported male exposed himself to her while riding in the elevator on 11/12/12.This Tram incident was discussed during the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) January Public Safety Committee meeting:
... Women's Safety: Laila voiced her concern, for the women on the Island, following the incident she experienced when a young man exposed himself to her while they were on the Manhattan side elevator of the Tram, then came across to the Island. She reported it to PSD but has not heard any updates. The Committee agreed that they would follow up with Director Guerra on what progress had been made on the case. Other ideas discussed for actions that might be explored were as follows: an educational campaign on Women's safety, creation of flyers for distribution within the community, a discussion with Director Guerra on what his department can do to make the women feel safer....More information on the RIRA Public Safety Committee January meeting here.