Flying Object Whizzes Past Acting RIOC President Don Lewis Nearly Hitting Him In Face - Not On Roosevelt Island But At Outdoor NYC Charity Hockey Game
Donald Lewis was startled by a flying object coming from the hockey rink.Click here for the entire Bloomberg News article and take a look at some of the action on the ice at Lasker Rink.
“I thought a puck was going to hit me in the face,” said Lewis, general counsel and acting president of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp. “A bird flew by.”
Such are the quirks of outdoor hockey in New York, as 16 teams competed to raise money for charity over the last two days at Lasker Rink in Central Park. Teams came from as far away as Canada to help raise money for Ice Hockey in Harlem.
The event, put on for the seventh year by the Canadian Association of New York, raised as much as $30,000 for the non- profit group that gives disadvantaged kids a hockey community in which to grow up
“I’m not feeling great, but I’m hanging in there,” Lewis, 39, said in an interview before his third 40-minute game of the day, playing for a team sponsored by his former law firm, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. “The biggest problem is the time in between games. It’s hard to get the engine going again. I’m tight.”...
Looks like good training for RIOC Board Committee meetings.