Free High School SAT and Middle School SHSAT Prep Classes Offered By Roosevelt Island Youth Program/Beacon Starting Monday March 18 - Test Your Math Skills With The Khan Academy Too
Are you preparing for the upcoming SAT or SHAT Tests? Do you know someone who is? If so, take advantage of the preparation classes offered by Roosevelt Island Youth Program/Beacon (RIYP) starting next week. According to RIYP:
Classes Starting March 18th -- Sign up at PS/IS 217 Beacon DeskMore information on RIYP SAT and SHAT Prep Classes available at 212-527-2505 or info@
Sign up for Middle School SHSAT Prep classes:
Mondays - with Mr. Bhai 6th Grade Math 4:30-6pm
Tuesdays - with Ms Tang 7th Grade Math 4:30 -5:30
Thursday - Ms Sanchez 6th and 7th Grade ELA 3:00-4:00
High School SAT Prep
Monday and Thursday - with Ms Sanchez High School Reading and Writing 4:30-6pm
Saturday - with Ms Tang High School Math 12pm-3pm
For additional SAT help, check out the online Khan Academy. Here is a SAT Preparation Class for math. Even if you are not taking the SAT, you might find some of these math problems fun. Maybe.