Saturday, June 1, 2013

Today On Roosevelt Island - Gallery RIVAA Opening Reception For Looking Back Looking Forward Photography Exhibition and R & R Concerts Presentation Of Igor Stravinski's A Soldiers Tale

From Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA:

Looking Back, Looking Forward
Saturday, June 1, 2013 - Sunday, July 14, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, June 1st from 6-9pm

Image From Gallery RIVAA

RIVAA reflects on its past 11 years and future through photography. An exhibition of RIVAA members and guests.
Also, tonight is the free Rosemarie & Robin Russel Family Concert Series presentation of The Soldiers Tale starting 7:30 PM at Good Shepherd Community Center:
Join us for the presentation of Stravinsky's modern masterpiece, a timeless fable of a soldier on leave who is seduced by the Devil into giving up his fiddle in exchange for limitless riches.

In R&R's most ambitious project to date, we are joined by narrator Dov Scheindlin, conductor Gustav Highstein, and a hot band of seven superb musicians.

Here's a sample of A Soldier's Tale.