Today On Roosevelt Island - Gallery RIVAA Opening Reception For Looking Back Looking Forward Photography Exhibition and R & R Concerts Presentation Of Igor Stravinski's A Soldiers Tale
From Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA:
Looking Back, Looking ForwardAlso, tonight is the free Rosemarie & Robin Russel Family Concert Series presentation of The Soldiers Tale starting 7:30 PM at Good Shepherd Community Center:
Saturday, June 1, 2013 - Sunday, July 14, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, June 1st from 6-9pm
Image From Gallery RIVAA
RIVAA reflects on its past 11 years and future through photography. An exhibition of RIVAA members and guests.
Join us for the presentation of Stravinsky's modern masterpiece, a timeless fable of a soldier on leave who is seduced by the Devil into giving up his fiddle in exchange for limitless riches.
In R&R's most ambitious project to date, we are joined by narrator Dov Scheindlin, conductor Gustav Highstein, and a hot band of seven superb musicians.
Here's a sample of A Soldier's Tale.