Monday, July 15, 2013

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Officer Provides First Aid And Calming Influence To Injured Child - Thank You Officer Potter

Roosevelt Island resident Frank Farance reports on a Public Safety Officer who assisted an injured child this past weekend. Mr. Farance sent in the following report last night:
On Saturday afternoon, a bunch of us original Roosevelt Islanders were having a mini reunion at the Meditation Steps. One of the children fell and got a gash on his knee. We didn't know how long it would be before getting treated in the emergency room, so on the way there we stopped at PSD headquarters - hoping they might have first aid to clean the cut. The child was very nervous because he knew he was going to the hospital, but Officer Potter was very calm and helpful with both the mother and the child. The child arrived at the hospital, trying to be a Good Patient. He suffered several stitches.

I saw Officer Potter tonight and thanked him personally for his help. Just thought you, too, would want to know about his good efforts.
We often hear of conflict and tensions between the community and Public Safety Department. It's nice to be able to report on the good job done by Public Safety Officers which too often is not known.

Thank you Officer Potter and thanks Mr. Farance for sharing the story.

UPDATE 11:15 - Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department Director Jack McManus replied to Mr. Farance's report:
Thank you for taking the time to send this note. I will recognize the efforts of Officer Potter both privately, and at Roll Call, in front of his peers. Additionally, I will place a copy of your note in Officer Potter's personal folder. Once again, thank you for taking the time to send this note.