13 Arrested For Unlawful Assembly At Firefighters Field Last Sunday Afternoon - NYPD Reports Use Of Gang Signs, Language And Impeding Access Of Others
The 8/4 -5 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Incident Report noted:
08/04/13 - 1450 - 425 Main St. - Unlawful Assembly - NYPD arrested numerous male subjects.A NYPD Press Spokesperson adds:
13 males arrested for using gang signs and language Sunday afternoon and impeding others from access at Firefighters Field.The 8/4 - 5 PSD Report also indicates:
08/04/13 - 2233 - 888 Main St. - Grand Larceny - PSD report filed. NYPD refused.PSD Director John McManus states that the Grand Larceny was a bicycle stolen from an Octagon Building Bike Rack. That makes the second bike stolen from Octagon bike rack in a week.